The US Sailing Match Racing Committee is thrilled to offer a competitive grant program for teams who have a demonstrated interest in match racing with prior match racing experience and want to take their game to the next level. The program provides reimbursement up to $5,000 per team to pay for expenses such as entry fees, travel expenses and lodging for one full calendar year. 1 male skipper and 1 female skipper will be selected, but applicants are encouraged to apply with a team in mind. In addition, the grant program provides a mentor who
will be available as needed to share veteran advice to ensure a successful match racing campaign.
To Submit your Letter of Application, fill out the form below. You will be asked to include the following:
- Your sailing resume (past match racing experience, current ranking, major sailing accomplishments).
- Information about your teammates and some of their sailing resumes. Please also designate a team captain who will serve as the primary contact, if not yourself.
- Letters of recommendation and contact information from two sailing references. They can be a current or former coach, a competitor, a member of your yacht club or sailing organization, or any other sailing reference who knows you well. No recommendations from relatives please.
- A schedule with each event’s match racing grading level.
- Detailed budget for your proposed campaign for the year.
- A personal letter outlining why you are applying to the grant, what the grant would mean to you, financial need, and why you are a qualified candidate. Be sure to address all of the selection criteria.
APPLICATION PERIOD: January 15 - April 1
Please have all required information and documentation ready prior to starting the form below. You will not be able to return to the online form to fill in missing information at a later time.